Subhanallah, reading the reviews makes it seem as though we are all describing different ouds! This Cambodi was different than what I had bought in Malaysia and continue to search for, which was much sweeter and smokier than this. On my skin, this has a very dark, woody smell. I, personally, would not use musk or tobacco in describing its profile, even after it has settled down- perhaps my sniffer is not refined enough... It also did not last as long as most ouds I have used in the past. It doesn't work for me, unfortunately, so I had to return it (and they were gracious enough to accept it)- despite the high cost of doing so. That being said, if you do prefer an antique wood smell, you may really enjoy it.
PS- my skin really changes the scent profile of any perfume I wear, so what I say may not be true for everyone.